It's time
Prepare your pool to winter.


C'est le moment !



C'est le moment !

Even though Provence experiences relatively mild winters compared to other regions, winterization is essential for properly maintaining your pool.

Winterizing allows you to:

• Protect the equipment from cold damage
• Maintain water quality
• Facilitate reopening the pool when warm weather returns

active winterization

Often recommended in Provence due to generally mild winters.

This method involves:

• Maintaining minimal filtration operation
• Continuing adapted water treatment
• Using a frost protection unit to protect equipment

passive winterization

Much less common, it may be considered in the coldest areas of the region.

This winterization involves:

• Completely stopping filtration
• Draining the pipes
• Using specific winterizing accessories

C'est le moment !

Winterizing pools in Provence, although less demanding than in colder regions, remains an important step to preserve your pool. By adapting winterizing techniques to the local climate, you will ensure the longevity of your pool and simplify its reopening in spring.


1. Thoroughly clean the pool
2. Balance the water pH (between 7.2 and 7.4)
3. Add a winterizing product
4. Install accessories (covers, plugs, gizmos, floats...)
5. Put on a winter cover (recommended)

© 2020 - Boschi Immobilier
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