Maintaining your pool
Our best tips

Entretenir sa piscine : nos meilleurs conseils !

Properly maintaining your pool allows you to fully enjoy the summers in Provence!

Entretenir sa piscine : nos meilleurs conseils !

1️⃣ Water Analysis: Test the water weekly

pH: 7.2 - 7.6, Chlorine: 1 - 3 ppm, Alkalinity: 80 - 120 ppm
2️⃣ Regular Cleaning: Clean the skimmers and filters, brush the walls, and use a vacuum for the pool floor.

3️⃣ Algae Prevention: Maintain proper pH and chlorine levels and use a pool cover to reduce evaporation and retain heat.

4️⃣ Waste Management: Use a skimmer net and cover your pool when not in use.

5️⃣ Equipment Maintenance: Ensure the pump and filter are working correctly.

6️⃣ Water Balancing: Maintain calcium hardness between 200 and 400 ppm to prevent corrosion and scaling.

7️⃣ Practical Tips: Use baking soda to adjust pH and shock treatments with active oxygen for a more environmentally friendly option.

© 2020 - Boschi Immobilier
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