The Alpilles : a provençal gem
Discover an iconic destination in the south of France!


Located in the heart of Provence, the Alpilles is a must-visit destination. With its limestone mountains and vast olive groves, this region attracts visitors from around the world.

Its unique blend of natural landscapes, historical heritage, and Provençal culture makes it an ideal place for those seeking the authentic charm of Provence. Whether for hiking through the mountains, cultural visits, or simply enjoying the art of living, the Alpilles offers an unforgettable experience.


The Alpilles form a chain of limestone mountains in the Bouches-du-Rhône department, stretching from east to west between Tarascon and Salon-de-Provence. The highest point, Mont des Opies, reaches 498 meters. The region is characterized by its steep ridges, verdant valleys, and plateaus covered in garrigue. The iconic olive groves and vineyards create a colorful and varied landscape.

Un Joyau Provençal
La région des Alpilles : Un joyau provençal
La région des Alpilles : Un joyau provençal
La région des Alpilles : Un joyau provençal


The Alpilles are home to charming villages such as Saint-Rémy-de-Provence, known for its Roman ruins and connection to Vincent Van Gogh. Les Baux-de-Provence, listed among the most beautiful villages in France, captivates visitors with its castle and medieval streets. The Carrières de Lumières, where art is projected onto the walls of former quarries, offer a unique experience.


Provençal culture is omnipresent, particularly through local markets and traditional festivals that showcase the region’s terroir and folklore.

The Carrières de Lumières, a site where artworks are projected onto the walls of former quarries, also offers a unique experience not to be missed.

Un Joyau Provençal


The Alpilles are ideal for nature lovers, with numerous hiking trails and a Regional Natural Park that preserves biodiversity. For those who prefer quieter activities, there are tours of vineyards and olive groves, complete with tastings.

© 2020 - Boschi Immobilier
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