The harvest: traiditon and terroir
The harvest, a key moment for wine

Les vendanges : tradition et terroir

a stratefic and crucial moment

The timing of the harvest is a strategic decision influenced by various factors such as grape variety, weather, terroir, and the desired wine style. Some winemakers choose an early harvest to preserve higher acidity, ideal for fresh and vibrant white wines, while others wait for optimal ripeness.

Depending on the size of the vineyard and the diversity of grape varieties, the harvest period can extend over several weeks to capture the essence of the grapes at their peak.

Les vendanges : tradition et terroir

ambiance, conviviality and sharing

The harvest is also synonymous with conviviality and sharing. It brings together seasonal workers, students, and enthusiasts to experience this unique event together. These moments of work are punctuated by shared meals in the vineyards, creating a festive and warm atmosphere.

In some wine-producing villages, the end of the harvest is celebrated with festivals that include tastings, concerts, and other festivities, further strengthening community ties and respect for traditions.

Les vendanges : tradition et terroir

a know-how respectful of the environment

In a context where environmental concerns are increasingly pressing, many winemakers are turning to more nature-friendly practices.

Harvesting in organic or biodynamic agriculture emphasizes manual picking, without the use of chemicals, in harmony with lunar cycles. This approach values soil health, biodiversity, and aims to produce authentic wines that reflect a preserved terroir.

Les vendanges : tradition et terroir
Les vendanges : tradition et terroir

2 methods : between tradition and modernity

Historically, harvesting was done exclusively by hand, allowing careful selection of the healthiest bunches while avoiding damage to the grapes.

Today, technological advancements have introduced mechanical harvesting, a faster and more cost-effective alternative, often used in large vineyards. However, for prestigious appellations and domains focused on quality, manual harvesting remains the preferred method.

the harvest : in the heart of the vine

The harvest is not just a stage in wine production; it represents unique know-how and a true celebration of nature. This special moment strengthens the bond between the land and the wine, where each harvested bunch promises an authentic wine, a reflection of its terroir. More than just work, the harvest is a tradition that combines respect for nature with the pleasure of sharing.

© 2020 - Boschi Immobilier
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